More OpenForum upgrade information
Posted 05/03/2001 - 9:05am EDT [Discussion] The
upgrade process is likely to begin around 1PM EST. Please keep in
mind that this will be an OpenTopic beta test and features and
descriptions will change. Indeed, all will change for the better
with your
feedback! So, what's new? Well, the big news has to be the
ability to subscribe to topics, and receive notifications via
e-mail, or a special, private bookmark page that you can visit.
Check out this beta
FAQ for more information. The first bit of testing will take
place in the News
& Discussion forum, and in the OpenTopic
Feedback and Suggestions forum. I encourage everyone to join in
the various discussions in the Feedback forum, as several OpenTopic
representatives will be hanging out there participating in the
discussions. -Cæsar
Major OpenForum upgrade coming
Posted 05/02/2001 - 10:19pm EDT [Discussion] [Updated] Ars is lucky in many ways, and tomorrow
afternoon we'll be lucky enough to be one of the first testers of
the next big version of OpenTopic (2.0.0). There's too many
improvements to mention right now (back- and front-end), but let me
say that many of your
suggestions have come true. Some of the front-end stuff will be
rolled out bit by bit, and only in certain forums at first. During
this roll-out, you'll also get to look at and use some of the new,
highly cool features that will eventually be reserved for Premier
Subscribers. More information is forthcoming, and in the
meantime, please hang with us while this important rollout develops.
As always your
feedback is very, very important. [Update: also, please
note that until the database is upgraded, we've held off on
assigning benefactor status. We will be processing all of that soon.
Thanks!] -Cæsar
MS watermarking
Posted 05/02/2001 - 9:00pm EDT [Discussion] This
article reports on the results of a security workshop at which
MS Research demoed a new audio watermarking scheme that they've been
Kirovski said the watermark is embedded between 2 kHz and 7 kHz
and showed that it could not be removed through standard
techniques like reverb, echo, hiss reduction and noise reduction.
He said even a desynchronization attack -- that varied pitch by up
to 5 percent and time by up to 10 percent, and included cutting
and pasting chunks up to 100 milliseconds -- was unsuccessful. The
paper he co-authored with Malvar concludes: "We built a data
hiding system able to detect covert messages in audio with very
high reliability, even in cases where soundtracks are modified by
a composition of attacks that degrade the original characteristics
of the recording well above the hearing threshold."
The article also mentions another interesting watermarking scheme
for applications. This approach uses graph theory to embed watermark
information in the flow of a program. If you're interested, go here to
read Bruce Schneier's take on digital watermarking, and here to
read the response of one of the Princeton researchers who was
involved in the SDMI challenge. Props to Julius for the link. -Hannibal
The new iBook is out
Posted 05/02/2001 - 9:00pm EDT [Discussion] In
case you've been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you
should know that the new
iBook from Apple is out. It looks real nice, but I have to say
that I personally feel that the base model is underpowered. I've
seen OS X choke one of the new Titanium G4s (suhweet!) with loads of
memory, so I expect that a 500MHz G3 with 64MB RAM will go catatonic
and start drooling and sputtering if you rapidly jiggle the mouse
around over the OS X dock. OS X needs Altivec, and it needs lots of
RAM. Yes yes, I know that you'll probably tell me that at some point
in the future the OS will be optimized, Quicktime will be optimized,
and it will all be blazingly fast--even on an embedded processor
like the G3. If you've been reading Ars since the beginning, though,
then you know that our policy for evaluating hardware is to talk
about how it runs with the software and drivers that are out there
now. So, in that spirit, I have to say that the new offering
doesn't really do it for me. (I haven't actually messed with one
yet, so I may yet change my mind. I doubt it, though.) Of course,
it'll run OS 9 pretty well, so if that's your bag then this might be
the toy for you.
Update: I know Apple claims that the new iBook is OS X
ready if you upgrade the RAM. Fine. You buy it and run OS X on it,
then. I'm sure if you turn off all the eye candy then you can use
it. Whatever makes you tingle... -Hannibal
Game.Ars is not hungover
Posted 05/01/2001 - 10:40pm EDT [Discussion]
Sure, the Boston bash was huge, but Carl would
never partake of any activity to such an extent that it might
interfere with his rigorous gaming schedule. So, he's back again
with another report, and this time he's got good news, and some
disturbing news to boot. Get this:
Last week, a lawsuit was filed by families of victims in the
1999 Columbine school shootings. The multi-billion dollar suit,
alleges that violence in games was in part responsible for having
effected the young attackers to committed the crime. Some of the
game companies targeted in the suit include Atari, Sega of
America, Activision, Nintendo of America, Sony Computer
Entertainment, Id Software, Virgin Interactive Media, and GT
Interactive. Other entertainment companies outside the game
industry are named as well.
We all knew this was coming, but will you look at this list?! I
don't know the details, but let me say that I hope Mr. and Mrs.
Pac-Man have moved to a nice independent island in the South Seas.
Microsoft is runnin' the numbers again
Posted 04/30/2001 - 9:00pm EDT [Discussion] Apparently,
the MS marketing department can't make up their minds. Do they
use letters or numbers for their products? is here to
let us know that they plan to do both. The XP moniker goes
with their desktop/workstation line, but the server software gets
labeled Windows 2002. Note that number there. The other
part of the announcement is, obviously, that we shouldn't hold our
breath to see it arrive this calendar year. And why the return
to the year-based scheme?
For Windows 2002, Microsoft decided to stick with the
calendar-based naming convention because of its familiarity to
corporate computing personnel. "It seems prudent to continue with
a similar naming paradigm," Bob O'Brien, group product manager for
the Windows .Net server marketing program, said in a statement.
Shouldn't corporate computing personnel be more familiar
with the lettering schemes? Weren't they all supposed to be
using NT for a long time? Well, if I can't have plain
old version numbers back, I can see the value in naming server
products differently from desktop ones. -Ator
Ars isn't going anywhere
Posted 04/30/2001 - 5:15pm EDT [Discussion] Thanks
for all the great e-mail, guys. Yes, although we haven't received
official word, the rumor on the street is that Imagine is shutting
down the Maximum PC Network (and most of their other online plays).
We've talked alot about the various problems that networks have been
having, and this shouldn't really come as a surprise. The important
thing to note right now is that Imagine and MaxPC (or anyone else,
for that matter) do not own Ars Technica. So, while we'll probably
be out of an advertising solution for a while, the site will still
be here. Ars is owned by Ars, so until we shut it down, it'll
be here. And, we have no intention of shutting it down!
That being said, I hope our audience will thus appreciate the
efforts we're making to transition Ars from a totally-free site to a
totally-free site that also offers bonus features for subscribers.
We're working on many exciting things right now, and we'll keep you
posted. In fact, we should be rolling out some very cool things on
the OpenForum soon. -Cæsar
Ars Boston, Part III
Posted 04/28/2001 - 1:10pm EDT [Discussion] Today's
the day. Just to reiterate, we'll have tables and food from 3pm to
6pm, and after 6pm we may re-locate, or just hang there for however
long. Note: before 6pm it's 18+, and after 6pm it's 21+. As
you can see from this
map, Boston Billiards is near Fenway, so parking will be
non-existent. Take the T. Hope to see you there! For all discussion,
hit this
thread. If you're trying to coordinate after-party stuff, we
suggest you use that thread as well--at least everyone will know
where to look. -Cæsar
Thanks for the memory
Posted 04/27/2001 - 1:11am EDT [Discussion] This
is a big, big drive. Wow. If you're a home user and you can fill
this 180.6GB monster, then you have a problem. Get help now. Even
bigger, though, is this 1,000GB, 1cm glass memory
cube. If you can fill this up, then you and your roommates have
a problem. Links courtesy of John T and Roj, respectively. -Hannibal
IBM and carbon nanotube semiconductors
Posted 04/27/2001 - 1:11am EDT [Discussion] From
the "three to five years away" department, IBM has recently
announced a breakthrough that might let them mass produce
products that use carbon nanotubes as transistors in (you guessed
it) three years.
IBM researchers said they've found a process by which they can
form batches of nanotube transistors, which are as small as 10
atoms across. Until now, nanotubes had to be positioned one at a
time or by random chance, IBM said. The achievement was seen as a
step toward eventual mass production of computer chips using the
technology -- making it a contender as a possible replacement for
The article gives a decent amount of detail for a Reuters piece,
but if you want more then check out the EET's coverage.
One quote that struck me from the EET article is this one: "Carbon
nanotubes are but one of a plethora of molecular devices that
researchers worldwide are developing to overcome the squeeze being
put on silicon as design rules resist further shrinkage." Reader
George Costanza suggests that ice cold water can be used quite
effectively to induce "significant shrinkage," so IBM may want to
consider including it in their fab process. Reuters link by Kenneth
M. -Hannibal
Game.Ars: What day is it again?
Posted 04/25/2001 - 12:53pm EDT [Discussion]
Wait, it's not Saturday or Sunday!
It's Wednesday! Well, we've got a Game.Ars for
you anyway. Better late than never, and all that...
Carl's got your usual dose of gaming love, including expansions for
Everquest and Sudden Strike, and a game based on The Weakest Link (a
[British, I'm told] game show that, if you're like me, you haven't
actually heard of...guess I'm out of touch). And, as a special
bonus the best(?) software "deal" you'll ever see... -Ator
Ars Party final details
Posted 04/25/2001 - 12:38pm EDT [Discussion]
I just got off the phone with Boston Billiards,
where we had this past September's Ars party. They're going to host
it again this time, so we're all set. (There's a Red Sox game at
Fenway this weekend, so Jillian's wouldn't reserve us any tables.)
I've arranged for us to have tables and food from 3pm to 6pm on
April 28th. Why this early time slot, you ask? Because before 6pm
it's 18+, and after 6pm it's 21+. We had a decent number of
folks in the forum threads who were worried about the age thing, so
this is to accommodate them. However, since a number of people are
coming from far away to be at the party, I'm certain that at 6pm
we'll just pack it up and move somewhere else so we don't have to
shut it down too early.
As you can see from this
map, Boston Billiards is near Fenway, so parking will be
non-existent. The Sox game starts at 1:30, so we'll be out there
right in the thick of things. I'd suggest parking somewhere else and
taking the T in. Anyway, those of you who need directions,
transportation, or parking tips can ask in the discussion thread for
this post and some of our native Bostonians will be glad to help you
out. So we'll see you this weekend! -Hannibal
More on Russian hackers
Posted 04/25/2001 - 11:11am EDT [Discussion] Hacking
efforts from the East are rapidly on the rise, to the consternation
of Information Security folks. The worst thing about the situation
is that there is almost no general awareness about it. Script-kiddie
website defacements can make the mainstream news, but real hacks
(that go beyond defacing the web server) get little or no coverage
at all. My
article on recent hacking from the eastern block attempted to
illuminate the situation.
The FBI (along with the Secret Service) have gotten very serious
about the situation. The FBI has greatly stepped up its efforts to
catch and stop malicious hackers. Recently, in parallel to the
Russian hacking I spoke of, the FBI pulled the advisories on their
website and took a
new approach. They created a 'human honeypot':
"Alexey Ivanov, 20, and Vasiliy Gorshkov, 25, were arrested
after the FBI established a bogus Internet security firm called
"Invita," let the men hack into it and then lured them to the
United States to apply for jobs, according to a 20-count federal
grand jury indictment."
There's good and bad in this. I'm very impressed by the measures
the FBI is taking to deal with InfoSec Warfare. I've also heard some
not-so-nice tales from people about the FBI's efforts, so clearly I
think we all need to keep an eye on what they are up to (read:
Carnivore). Unfortunately, since the mainstream media won't cover
the real hacking going on, they aren't likely to cover all the
efforts being made (by the FBI, SS, NSA, etc.) to deal with it.
To learn more about honeypots, The Honeynet Project is
unquestionably the best effort to date on honeypots. The project is
established primarily for the purpose of understanding the blackhat
community. They also have really sharp Honeynet Project shirts that
don't shrink, that you can steal from Lance Spitzner if you ever
catch him out in rural Seattle with a few spares. (You may have to
hit him a few times.) -Arian
E-conomy post mortem
Posted 04/25/2001 - 12:11am EDT [Discussion] (I'm
on a streak with the cheesy headline titles, here.) The Economist
recently took a step back and looked at the whole tech slump in a
thorough but reasonably brief overview
article. The article takes a look at infrastructure companies
like Cisco, which were thought to be immune from the inevitable
dot-com crash, and tries to understand why they've proven as
vulnerable as everyone else. The discussion of Cisco's supply chain
problems is illuminating, as it gives you a feel for just how
interconnected the different tech industry market sectors are.
(Everybody talks about this "interconnectedness" in the abstract,
but the article's strength is that it lays it out for you). The
article also moves outwards a bit from infrastructure and talks
about the problems faced by other allegedly "recession proof"
sectors, like data storage and enterprise software. -Hannibal
Fiber 2 U
Posted 04/24/2001 - 11:39pm EDT [Discussion] Ok,
I couldn't pass up the chance to spell a news blurb title the way
that Prince would spell it if he wrote 4 Ars. Anyway, this
article on fiber to the home had some info on the economic
aspects of fiber that I wasn't aware of.
Ponder has taken up the fiber crusade, toting around a slide
show that clearly shows why fiber is the wave of the future. I
caught him in action two days ago at the Next Generation Network
Ventures conference in Burlingame, Calif. Ponder flashed a slide
that compared the capital expenditures required for a
telecommunications service provider to install and activate a
hybrid fiber-coaxial cable (HFC), a digital-subscriber line (DSL),
and a fiber-optic line at a person's home. The HFC is the
cheapest, at $1,907 per home. Second is -- you guessed it --
fiber, at $2,385 per home (vs. $2,484 for DSL).
The author not only talks about how fiber is cheaper than some
broadband alternatives like DSL, but he also lays out why he and
others think that telcos aren't going to replace their existing
infrastructure with fiber any time soon. -Hannibal
Infiniband @ the EET
Posted 04/24/2001 - 12:31am EDT [Discussion] The
EET has a special
feature on the next-generation I/O spec, Infiniband. This is a
nice piece, because it's a collection of stories that outlines the
development of Infiniband and the technology behind it. I haven't
read through all of these yet, but I plan to. Some of this stuff may
seem a bit dry, but it's coming up and it's pretty important, so it
pays to be up on it. Also, some aspects of Infiniband, such as it's
switched fabric nature, are cropping up all over the place. So in
some respects Infiniband is a good indicator of future trends in
general. -Hannibal
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