Internet Movie Database -
This is probably the biggest movie database on the web, lot's of info.
They have many foreign film, most of old american ones and all modern mainstream.
Many people like their Top 250 Films
Movie previews for current / upcoming movies (mostly mainstream studios).
QuickTime clips, production notes, pictures, posters, etc.
American Movie Classics -
They talk about old films and people involved in production, Hollywood rumors.
World TV Standards -
They talk about Why Do Different TV Standards Exist?
TV Systems: A Comparison, Broadcast System Details, Video Formats, FAQs.
Andrei Tarkovsky Page -
Information about the great russian director and his films.
Desert Island Movies -
Carl Cavanagh talks about the best movies ever made,
and he put them up to The Desert Island Movies Top 500
Movie Reviews, News, Trailers, Interviews, Showtimes and more.
Dirks' Greatest Films -
Tim Dirks uses an extensive reference collection to compile his
list of the Greatest Films ever. Mainly American/Hollywood Classics.
Dimka Daily Movies-
Once in a while I would write something about movies that
I just saw, and then it would go to Dimka Daily.